Daylight Saving Time starts

This annual event consists of changing clocks back an hour to allow for more daylight during the most active hours. Not all areas of the world participate, but many European and North American areas do.

It starts on the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM, at which time clocks are set ahead. It is more effective in areas where the length of daylight hours differ depending on the season because this moves a “daylight hour” to the end of the day. Many countries that don’t have Daylight Savings Time have a consistent amount of daylight during the year. This is often referred to as “Spring Forward” to help

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This annual event consists of changing clocks back an hour to allow for more daylight during the most active hours. Not all areas of the world participate, but many European and North American areas do.

It starts on the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM, at which time clocks are set ahead. It is more effective in areas where the length of daylight hours differ depending on the season because this moves a “daylight hour” to the end of the day. Many countries that don’t have Daylight Savings Time have a consistent amount of daylight during the year. This is often referred to as “Spring Forward” to help

Learn When Daylight Savings Ends

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