Ending of Daylight Saving Time

This annual event consists of setting clocks back an hour every second Sunday of March to allow for more daylight during the most active hours. Not all areas of the world participate, but many European and North American areas do.

Later in the year, it is observed again on the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM, at which time clocks are set ahead. This moves a “daylight hour” to the end of the day. In the fall, this daylight hour is set at the day’s beginning. Many countries that don’t have Daylight Savings Time have a consistent amount of daylight during the year. This is often referred to as “Fall Back” to help people remember to go forward an hour.

Some fire departments and other emergency services have started a campaign to associate safety evaluation with daily savings for a maintenance reminder, such as checking the function of smoke alarms.

Daylight Savings History

Since ancient times, people have adjusted their schedule according to the cycle of the sun. But the idea of an official Daylight Savings came about once time became standardized in the 18th century, during this time, society developed a need for time standardization, in part due to the rise in communication and transportation systems, such as railroads.

The first to propose the change was Benjamin Franklin is his essay, “An Economical Project,” although this suggestion was only satirical. It was formally adopted by the United States in the 1970’s, partly stimulated by the desire to conserve energy (more daylight hours means less electricity is used for lighting) due to the energy crisis of the time.

Daylight Savings Facts

  • Clocks are reset at 2:00 AM in order to minimize confusion.
  • Warm locales, such as Arizona, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii do not have Daylight Savings because these places already have long periods of daylight.
  • Studies show that there are less car accidents during daylight savings time as people drive safer in the daylight.
  • However, the disruption in sleep causes a higher rate of heart attacks.Learn when Daylight Savings begins
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This annual event consists of setting clocks back an hour every second Sunday of March to allow for more daylight during the most active hours. Not all areas of the world participate, but many European and North American areas do.

Later in the year, it is observed again on the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM, at which time clocks are set ahead. This moves a “daylight hour” to the end of the day. In the fall, this daylight hour is set at the day’s beginning. Many countries that don’t have Daylight Savings Time have a consistent amount of daylight during the year. This is often referred to as “Fall Back” to help people remember to go forward an hour.

Some fire departments and other emergency services have started a campaign to associate safety evaluation with daily savings for a maintenance reminder, such as checking the function of smoke alarms.

Daylight Savings History

Since ancient times, people have adjusted their schedule according to the cycle of the sun. But the idea of an official Daylight Savings came about once time became standardized in the 18th century, during this time, society developed a need for time standardization, in part due to the rise in communication and transportation systems, such as railroads.

The first to propose the change was Benjamin Franklin is his essay, “An Economical Project,” although this suggestion was only satirical. It was formally adopted by the United States in the 1970’s, partly stimulated by the desire to conserve energy (more daylight hours means less electricity is used for lighting) due to the energy crisis of the time.

Daylight Savings Facts

  • Clocks are reset at 2:00 AM in order to minimize confusion.
  • Warm locales, such as Arizona, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii do not have Daylight Savings because these places already have long periods of daylight.
  • Studies show that there are less car accidents during daylight savings time as people drive safer in the daylight.
  • However, the disruption in sleep causes a higher rate of heart attacks.Learn when Daylight Savings begins

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