January 21, 2025

Law Day takes place on May 1st in the United States annually. The day is reserved...

The last day of Sukkot takes place on the 21st day of the Jewish month of...

Passover is a Jewish celebration of the Israelites’ freedom from slavery. Sometimes called the Feast of...

This Jewish holiday is celebrated on the 18th month of the Jewish Iyar, commemorating the life...

Kwanzaa is a seven day festival of African culture celebrated between December 26th and January 1st...

Many Kansas residents celebrate Kansas Day on January 29, which commemorates the day that the state...

The Hawaiian holiday of Kamehameha Day honors the Hawaiian Monarch who ruled from 1782 to 1819....

The June solstice, the point at which the sun and equator are the furthest away from...


top view of colorful cereals on a red bowl with spoon with a glass of milk on white background
National Cereal Day
Processed with VSCO with g3 preset
National Oreo Day
When do the Seasons Begin?

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