November 24, 2020

Tu B'Shevat is a Jewish holiday celebrating trees, similar to Arbor Day. The holiday is also...
Valentine's Day is a festival of romance that celebrates love and relationships. Celebrated on February 14th,...
The state of Rhode Island celebrates Victory Day, or V Day, on August's second Monday every...
Citizens of West Virginia celebrate their statehood on June 20th annually. When the holiday falls on...
Sometimes called Pentecost Monday, this Christian holiday takes place the Monday after Pentecost, the date of...
On October 15th annually, Americans celebrate White Cane Safety Day. This day celebrates the lives of...
Wright Brothers Day celebrates the innovations of aviation developers Orville and Wilbur Wright every December 17th....
Yom Ha’atzmaut is the celebration of Israel’s Independence Day on the fifth of the Jewish month...


Caffeine in Red Bull
First Thanksgiving Proclamation 1676
Memorial Day

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