Mental Health

Anxiety affects millions of people worldwide. It can cause feelings of nervousness and fear, and sometimes...
4-7-8 breathing is an ancient, yogic breathing practice that can help you reduce anxiety and stress....
Technology has improved our lives in many ways. We see it in just about every home...
Anxiety is a biological response to stress. It can be caused by several things, from a...
Anxiety is a topic that has been discussed since the dawn of time. Philosophers and doctors...
School is stressful. It's hard to stay motivated when you feel like your work is too...
Panic attacks may follow in the wake of a very stressful event or life change. Also,...


top view of colorful cereals on a red bowl with spoon with a glass of milk on white background
National Cereal Day
Processed with VSCO with g3 preset
National Oreo Day
When do the Seasons Begin?

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